Romany Creams
250g butter, softened
225g (1 cup) white sugar
250g (2 cups) desiccated coconut
300g (2 cups) plain flour
50ml (25g) cocoa powder
5ml baking powder
pinch of salt
100g plain or milk chocolate, melted

Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC and grease 2-3 baking sheets
Cream the softened butter and sugar until lite and fluffy
Add the desiccated coconut and mix
Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt into the butter mixture and mix to form a soft dough
Scoop a tablespoon full of dough per biscuit and roll into balls
Place the balls on a greased baking tray and flatten slightly with your fingers
Scratch the surface of each dough ball with a fork to create a rough texture
Bake in a pre-heated oven for 10-12 minutes
Allow to cool, then sandwich two biscuits together using the melted chocolate
Allow the chocolate to set
Makes 24-30 biscuits sandwich together (48-60 individual biscuits)
Suggestion: Make individual biscuits by drizzling the chocolate on top of each biscuit or dipping one side of the biscuit in chocolate, rather than sandwiching two together
Recipe adapted
Original recipe courtesy of Kampvuur Kuier